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Monday, January 29, 2007

"I was for it before I was against it."

Is it just me or is Hillary starting to sound like someone else we know?
No, that isn't a direct quote. But remember once, she was for the war in Iraq and now she all of a sudden isn't. Suppose it has anything to do with a popularity contest?

Anyway, from here we have:
"I don't think there's a woman here who thinks that sometimes you just have to try harder," she [Hillary] said.
Hmm. She's probably right. No woman thinks she has to try harder.


A Couple'a Gems

From De:
I would vote for a crack smoking female chimp before I'd vote for Hilary Clinton.
She's far more dangerous than people think George W. Bush is.
I'll second that.

And here's this little tidbit from Ann Coulter:
Girl-power feminists who got where they are by marrying men with money or power -- Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Arianna Huffington and John Kerry -- love to complain about how hard it is for a woman to be taken seriously.
BWAH!.. What a dream-boat.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

No (Wo)Man Can Serve Two Masters

Kerry says he will not seek White House in 2008

By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent Wed Jan 24, 6:05 PM ET

Well, I don't like the part where he's squawkin about ending the war, but the part about doing his current job instead of campaigning for president? Maybe

Hillary should take heed and you know, do her current job.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hillary's Usefulness

New Democrat Bill

Of course, click.