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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Fun With H.R. 3590

Did you know:
    The word "contract" occurs 367 times.
    The word "create" occurs 30 times.
    The word "doctor" occurs 16 times.
    The word "establish" occurs 1001 times.
    The word "evaluation" occurs 234 times.
    The word "grants" occurs 357 times.
    The word "hospital" occurs 792 times.
    The word "medicaid" occurs 367 times.
    The word "medicare" occurs 552 times.
    The word "nursing" occurs 240 times.
    The word "penalty" occurs 128 times.
    The word "retarded" occurs 13 times.
    The word "revenue" occurs 214 times.
    The word "sentencing" occurs 14 times.
    The word "tax" occurs 583 times.
    The word "intelligent" occurs only once.