We have preemptively awarded this site a Pulitzer Prize for outstanding journalism in the hope that its content will some day merit one! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Interesting Choices

Monday, November 07, 2011

Funny Comment

From Hotair.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Well Sure, But Aren't You Crazy?

No she's not. She's not perfekt either. She's a mother and that shit you will simply need to get over.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Let's Clear This Up

There seems to be a bit of confusion on the part of every liberal in America about the Bush tax cuts. Somehow libs are of the mindset that allowing these cuts to expire will only effect "rich people" who make $250k or more a year. This perception is incorrect. The Bush tax cuts "lowered taxes for almost all US taxpayers" (source: Wiki). Here's the tax bracket implications from taxfoundation.org:
Reduction in other individual income tax rates — size of 15 percent rate bracket modified to reflect 10 percent rate, and 28 percent, 31 percent, 36 percent and 39.6 percent rates are reduced to 25 percent, 28 percent, 33 percent and 35 percent, respectively (sec. 1(i)(2) and sec. 901 of Pub. L. No. 107-16).
So libs, letting the tax cuts expire will have the effect of raising taxes on almost everyone, including you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

See How Easy?

Anyone can make a birth certificate.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Just for Fun

Monday, May 16, 2011

Quote of The Century

“I think there are discussions, even about transparency and developing rules about transparency that we need to be able to have quietly and behind closed doors.” – Daniel Gordon, White House staff

Monday, May 09, 2011

Being Presidential

The One has been rather impressive this week and I'm all for it. I don't hate him because he's Hawaiian (we all have to be from somewhere). In fact I don't hate him at all. I am disappointed with the social engineering and unfathomable debt that this administration allowed to become law. I was also disappointed in the previous administration for the exact same reasons.

But let's give this administration, and the man who runs it, due credit. The murdering monster that has been the bane of many Americans for the last 9 1/2 years is dead. I don't care how he died. I care that he's dead. For those of you who lack the historical perspective, Osama bin Laden was nice enough to release a video after the 9/11 attacks spouting what a great victory this was against the evil Americans. 3000 innocent Americans. We hadn't even begun the process of recovering our dead.

The President was on 60 Minutes last night and I was impressed by his candor. For this I thank him.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Rot In Hell

The big new is that Osama bin hidin' has been killed.
Well, good. That was too long in coming.

I just hope that it wasn't a tidy, clean head shot. I hope every soldier involved got to empty a full magazine into that motherfucker, riddling his psychotic body with twenty or thirty pounds of American made lead.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Shut 'Er Down

So republicans are once again to blame for the country's ills. Harry Fucking Reid said that democrats are unable to reach a compromise with republicans on the budget. That every time they compromise, republicans move the bar. So a government shutdown is eminent. Who cares? The country could most likely run just as well without the current government as it does now.

The fucks doing all the dickering will still get paid no matter what though, so they have no real incentive to solve the issue. Our military on the other hand, won't get paid if there is a shutdown.

Say. How about we switch that fucked-up scenario? If there is a shutdown, let's withhold pay from the assholes who were unable to fix the problem and give it to the people who are actually earning it?

I expect Obamm-bamm will be going on vacation again soon though. Can't have this little kerfuffle interrupting any plans he might have.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun with Photoshop

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Keep It Moving

As a rule, I usually don't pass along those "Add your name" lists that appear in emails. But this one may be a little more important. It has been circulating for many months to millions of people. We don't want any of the names on the list to be lost, so if you don't want to add your name, just forward it:
To show your support for Obama, pleas go to the end of the list and add your name:

1. Michelle Obama

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Well, It's Our Own God-Damned Fault

"We the people" has morphed into "We the courts".

Yeah, so one judge decided obamacare isn't legal. The supreme court will overturn it.

We've become such a litigious society that we expect the court system to settle everything for us. Everything from the stupid shit shown on Judge Judy to the fucking supreme court, it gets dickered on and decided on until the court has reached its decision.
The trouble with that as I see it, is by doing that over and over again, you give the power to the court rather than the voting booth. And the trouble with that, is you give all the power of decision making to an opinionated panel of a handful of people far from impartial people, instead of the public majority.

Now in some cases that involve a learned interpretation of set laws, that is fine. But in others, where there is no particular law or precedent, again, it's the decision of an opinionated handful of people. People who have character flaws, lots of 'friends', and lots of political pressure.

So in short, the courts are pressured by the government to do its bidding, and we the people have no say in the matter.

I'm having trouble right now differentiating complacency from stupidity. It seems the two are walking hand in hand as of the last 10 or 20 years. Idiots have been elected to government positions, where they pass dumb-assed laws. They also appoint puppets to the supreme court to do their bidding if anyone dares buck one of their dumb-assed laws. So with this obamacare bullshit? Well America, you brought it on yourselves. Fucking reap what you have sown. Of course, you'll drag the rest of us who didn't vote for this shit down to your level, but then, isn't that what you've always tried to do anyway?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

Having not watched the bonehead's State of the Union Address last night I can't quote it verbatim, but I'm going to give what I believe is a reasonable facsimile of what was said.

So now, loosely quoted, the Teleprompter In Chief:

"Good evening."

"Lie, economy, lie, jobs, bullshit. Immigration reform, hot air, work together, lie. Soldiers, bullshit, education, evade, responsibility, dodge, deficit, lie. Bullshit, hot air, lie, bullshit."

"Good night."

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Some fucked up shit.

The only person who was at fault there was Loughner. You know, the dude who was actually pulling the trigger.
It wasn't Sarah Palin. It wasn't Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Tea party-ers. It was a fucking idiot named Loughner.

But the prez going there and grandstanding? Fuck that.
Empty gestures.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What's Really Important

Six people were killed in Tucson on Saturday. One of them, song unsung.

Friday, January 07, 2011

I Haz Derp