Once Considered Unthinkable, U.S. Sales Tax Gets Fresh LookYou folks who voted for this fucker didn't think YOU were one of "the rich", did you!
What I'm trying to say here is that if this shit passes, everything you buy will now have a federal sales tax tacked on to it along with any state sales tax you may or may not already pay.
So everybody is going to be paying more taxes. Not just those who make $________.00 or more per year. Every-fucking-body.

This new North Korea thing is bad enough to make a plan for. Not berry,he is just gonna surrender like everywhere else, but the commander of the U.S. forces for the area. I lived a stones toss from the northern half for 365 days. The screw was always loose. Now its off.
HAHAHAHHAHA! my first post at the new place, and i post on the wrong one. :-)
Oh well. :)
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