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Friday, January 08, 2010

Cheerio Guvna

Obviously, Obam-bamm and his puppets are more interested in themselves than they are in their constituents. At least our governor is listening to his.

From the office of our governor:

Carson City- Governor Jim Gibbons today announced that the State of Nevada intends to sue the federal government to stop Senator Harry Reid’s health care plan if it becomes law. “There is nothing healthy about Reid’s health care plan, the first thing it will do is kill Nevada’s economy,” Governor Jim Gibbons said, “and then it will crush the working families of Nevada.”

Governor Gibbons agrees with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s assessment of Reid’s health care fiasco. Governor Schwarzenegger called the legislation “health care to nowhere… that’s infected with bribes, deals and loopholes.”

Reid’s health care plan would cost Nevadans $613,000,000 in increased Medicaid costs alone. It is guaranteed to lead to higher federal and local taxes at a time when Nevadans are struggling to make ends meet.

Attorneys General in 13 States have objected to the sweetheart deal Reid made with Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson which will make the federal government (the other 49 states) pay Nebraska’s increased Medicaid costs forever.

“Senator Reid is treating the citizens of Nevada and other states unfairly,” Governor Gibbons said, “His health care bill is not only ill-conceived, but I believe it is illegal.” The United States Constitution makes numerous references to states having “equal standing”, also duties, imposts and excises are to be “uniform throughout the United States.” “After Senator Reid reads his unhealthy healthcare reform bill, he should read the United States Constitution,” Governor Gibbons said.
Uh, Gibbons. Don't you mean If he reads it rather than After he reads it?

Sad that there has to be internal fighting to get the fuckhead Harry Reid to at least stop and think for a moment that there is a chance that someone, anyone, maybe could possibly be against this bill and the shit the socialist libtards are trying to pull.

If it takes brother against brother here, so be it.
