Look at all the 'czar' jobs he created!

Here is the list I have dug up so far. Supposedly, we're up to 30 some-odd.
I'm sure there are a few more in the works, but good gawd. It looks like the "Who's Who" of '60s Russia:
- Border Czar
- Car Czar
- Climate Czar
- Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske
- Economic Czar
- Energy czar
- Faith-based czar
- Global Warming Czar
- Guantanamo/Military Jails Czar
- Government performance czar
- Great Lakes czar
- Green jobs czar
- Health reform czar
- Mideast peace czar
- Mideast policy czar
- Non-proliferation czar
- Pay czar
- Regulatory czar Cass Sunstein
- Stimulus accountability czar
- Sudan czar
- TARP czar
- Technology czar
- Terrorism czar (I thought they didn't use that word)
- Urban affairs czar
- WMD czar
Say that as fast as you can three times without gagging.

But but but, they've "saved or created" thousands of jobs!!
And the guy on the right of the picture on the bottom looks like the actor who plays House.
Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what the artist thought the relevance was, unless he's an obamm-bamm supporter too.
There are 32 Cars to date.
And counting.
I wonder how many more we'll get by year's end? Maybe we should start a pool!
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