Has Southern Nevada seen any stimulus jobs?This Southern Nevada and Clark County to which they refer to includes Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, Laughlin, as well as a few other little piss-ant towns scattered around the desert. They all add up to a population of around 1.9 million according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Southern Nevada has about 13% unemployment, which add up to around 247,000 people. So 250 jobs for 247,000 people.
Nice. That ends up being .1% (1 tenth of one percent!) of all the unemployed people here now have a job since $60,000,000 came our way.
$240,000 each, for a job that will last 6 weeks to 1 year. That's an expensive fucking employee.
I can't decide if our portion is considered a drop in the bucket or a whole lotta feel good hot air coming from the idiots in Washington. I'm going to go out on a limb here and just say "both".

IMHO, We have yet to see any even mediocre-scale job creation by way of the "stimulus". What we need is jobs on a rather large scale, and the stimulus hasn't done squat!
PS - on the NRA thing, I'm on your side. Honest.
No doubt.
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